The Fuji i15 Pro Tablet features a 10.1" Full HD display and is powered by the Snapdragon 675G processor, delivering sharp visuals and responsive performance. With all-day battery life, Android 13, 5G network connectivity, and dual SIM capability, it ensures seamless connectivity and versatility.
Boasting 8 GB of RAM, it handles multitasking with ease while its slim and lightweight design enhances portability. Ideal for productivity, entertainment, and on-the-go tasks, this tablet is perfect for professionals, students, and anyone seeking a powerful and versatile device for various needs
Fuji i15pro Tablet
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Screen 10.1 Full HD Connection Sim + Wifi SIM Type Dual SIM Network Type 5G RAM 8 GB Storage 64 GB (Free 1 TB microSD) CPU Snapdragon 675G Wifi WiFi 2.4Ghz / 5Ghz Bluetooth Bluetooth 5.0 Battery 8000mAH Android Version Android 13